Domain name registration, web site hosting and web site design
Domain name registration, web site hosting and web site design is what this page is all about. You've decided you'd like to have your own web site. So, what next? First thing to do is choose a domain name. It should be something easy to remember and describe what your site's about. Next, domain name registration and then comes the web site design. You can attempt to make your site yourself or have a web site designer make it for you. Finally is web site hosting. This is how your site gets online. They keep your site on their server, kind of like renting an apartment for your web site. Depending on what your needs are for your web site there will be specifics you'll want to know, but here's a few general things to consider when choosing web site hosting:
Is there a setup fee?
What's their uptime record?
Can you upgrade your plan at anytime?
What are excess bandwidth charges?
How often will site be backed up?
Do they have secure service and shopping cart type capabilities?
Do they have free tech support available 7 days a week?
Just click any below to be taken to where that category is:
Web domain name registration and web site hosting
Web site design
Web domain name registration and web site hosting
Host Gator offers plans that are month to month so no long term contracts have to be signed
if that's not what you want.
Most popular shared hosting plan: Baby Croc plan - unlimited domains, 5GB disk
space, and 75GB bandwidth, 99.9% uptime guarantee, free scripts they provide, 30 day money back guarantee
and online web site building software they provide.
Most Popular Reseller Hosting Plan: Aluminum reseller plan - unlimited domains, free scripts, free WHM
Auto Pilot billing manager, brand ability, multiple language support, and free hosting company templates and domain registration account.
They take pride in their customer service.
You're able to speak to somebody using their live chat and got answers very
quickly, you can email them or use their toll free number as well.
Interested in starting an online store? Yahoo makes it easy - as low as $13/month for the first 12 Months!