Hardy, early spring-flowering bulbDescription: Double, highly fragrant, yellow blossoms with green tinge; 2-3 rosebud-like flowers per stalk; reed-like foliageHabit: Grows 10-12 inches tall; good perennializer in lawns and rough areasCulture: Prefers full sun to light shade and well-drained soil; plant 3-4 inches deepHardiness: Cold hardy to USDA Zone 6This charming daffodil was known and cultivated as a garden plant since the 16th century in Europe and brought to America very early. It is thought to be a naturally occurring hybrid between the Jonquil (Narcissus jonquilla) and the Lent Lily (N. pseudonarcissus). Queen Anne's Double Jonquil is another common name for this variety in the Southern United States.5 bulbs per bag.