Hardy, herbaceous perennial Description: Fragrant, pale lemon yellow flowers in midsummer; rigid, leafless flower stalks to 3.5 feet; long, linear foliage Habit: Grows up to 3 feet high and wide; clump-forming Culture: Prefers full sun to part shade and well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter; do not over-fertilize Hardiness: USDA Zones 3 through 9 Origin: Garden origin Attributes: Attracts butterflies and bees, Fragrant flowers, Rabbit resistant Daylilies are tough perennials originating in China, Japan, and central Europe. Daylily hybridization first began in England around 1890. 'Hyperion' is a handsome cultivar developed in 1925 by Franklin B. Mead, an American daylily breeder in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1939, Lamb Nurseries in Spokane, Washington, described this cultivar as "generally conceded to be the finest yet introduced." It was commonly used in colonial revival gardens of the early 20th century as a substitute for the true Lemon Lily, Hemerocallis flava. Arrives in a 1 gallon pot.