T1 & T1-3/4 LEDs & LED Mounting Hardware Component Cabinet Kit (600 pcs.)For a refill kit of LEDs and hardware without the cabinet, see P/N: 2291375.Kit Includes: 20-drawer component cabinet (319600) which has 20 clear plastic drawers and 20 clear dividers (319611) with labels. 10 each standard output LEDs: 2283655, 152864, 2186312, 333497, 697549, 1995960, 2006705, 2095189, 2121666, 107393, 697637, 2168421, 156946, 2186419, 2186435, 34690, 2314663, 2194152, 790217, and 14277 (clear LED mounting hardware) 100 each LEDs: 697590, & 2006730 100 each LED mounting hardware: 23077 & 95513.