Digital Theory Complete Lab Digital Theory by ETron Circuit Labs is Electronic Education Curriculum designed for the 21st century electronics student. It features 35 exciting Labs, and Digital Theory picks up where The Basics leaves off teaching the necessary Digital Theory needed to be competitive in a technology based job market. Digital Theory is fully backwards compatible with Tron.ix 2 and Mr. Circuit 2/Digital Magic courses. Complete Lab includes Digital Theory manual (ETCM2), Digital Theory parts kit (ETCP2), Solerless Circuit Board (CB222) and 9-Volt Battery (SK9VB) Kit Includes:Part No.Qty.Description SK010542360 ohm resistor SK010572470 ohm resistor SK010597560 ohm resistor SK010612680 ohm resistor SK0106531K ohm resistor SK01067101.2K ohm resistor SK0107322.2K ohm resistor SK0107723.3K ohm resistor SK0108124.7K ohm resistor SK0108526.8K ohm resistor SK01089210K ohm resistor SK01094116K ohm resistor SK01097122K ohm resistor SK011132100K ohm resistor SK011171150K ohm resistor SK011292470K ohm resistor SK01161410M ohm resistor SK0201230.01 AmicroF disc capacitor SK0500214.7 AmicroF capacitor SK05003110 AmicroF capacitor SK05004147 AmicroF capacitor SK075051IC LM324 SK040111IC 4011B Quad NAND SK040131IC 4013B Dual D Flip-Flop SK040151IC 4015B Dual 4-Stage Shift Register SK040271IC 4027B Dual JK Flip-Flop SK040291IC 4029B Up Down Div by 10 SK040511IC 4051B 1-8 Switch Multi-Demulti SK040931IC 4093B Quad 2-Input Schmidt Trigger SK045111IC 4511B 7-Seg Latch/Driver SK140041IC 555 Timer SK330081100K Potentiometer SK3000131N4003 Diode SK0600112Red LED SK2900317-Segment Display (Common Cathode) SK450281Photocell SK3500229-Volt Battery Snap SK45011544" Solid Wire SK250061N/O Pushbutton Switch SK1800112N3904 Transistor SK1800212N3906 Transistor CB2221Large Solderless Circuit Board SK9VB19-Volt Battery ETCL2-Digital Basics Complete Lab ETCM2-Digital Theory Manual ETCP2-Digital Theory Complete Parts Set Table of Contents Lesson 1 - Component Review Lesson 2 - Digital vs. Analog Lesson 3 - Digital Terminology Lesson 4 - Solderless Circuit Board Intro Lesson 5 - Integrated Circuit Schematics Lesson 6 - Intro to Flip-Flops Lab 1 - LED Logic Indicator Circuit Lab 2 - AND Logic Gate Lab 3 - OR Logic Gate Lab 4 - NOT & YES Logic Circuits Lab 5 - NOR Logic Gate Lab 6 - NAND Logic Gate Lab 7 - 2 NAND Logic Gate "Clock" Lab 8 - NAND Logic Gate "Timer" Lab 9 - 2 NAND Logic Gate "Memory" (R-S Flip-Flip) Lab 10 - 555 Timer IC Lab 11 - Binary Counter Circuit (MOD-16) Lab 12 - Decade Counter Circuit (MOD-10) Lab 13 - 2, 4, 6, 16 Divider Circuit Lab 14 - Digital Readout LED Display Lab 15 - Digital Readout Decoder Lab 16 - Digital Counter Display Lab 17 - Digital Up or Down Counter Lab 18 - 8 Output Demultiplexer Circuit Lab 19 - Digital Chasing Lights Lab 20 - Visual Logic Probe Lab 21 - Touch Activated Pulse Generator Lab 22 - 555 Timer IC Pulse Train Generator Lab 23 - YES / NO Decision Maker Lab 24 - YES / NO / MAYBE Circuit Lab 25 - Stop-Action Timing Circuit Lab 26 - Digital Touch-Activated Switch Lab 27 - Digital Stepping Touch-Activated Switch Lab 28 - Digital Light-Activated Counter Lab 29 - Winning Number Generator Lab 30 - 1-6 Number Generator Lab 31 - D Flip-Flop Lab 32 - J-K Flip-Flop Lab 33 - Schmitt Trigger Lab