Z80A N-Channel Silicon Gate CPU Z80A CPUs are very easy to implement plus all output signals are fully decoded and timed to control standard memory or peripheral circuits. The circuit is implemented using an N-channel, ion implanted, silicon gate MOS process. The Z80 microcomputer component set includes all the circuits necessary to build high-performance microcomputer systems with virtually no other logic and a minimum number of low cost standard memory elements. The two 16-bit index registers allow tabular data manipulation and easy implementation of relocatable code. The Refresh register provides for automatic, totally transparent refresh of external dynamic memories. The I register is used in a powerful interrupt response mode to form the upper 8 bits of a pointer to an interrupt service address table, while the interrupting device supplies the lower 8 bits of the pointer. An indirect call is then made to this service address. Features Single chip, N-channel Silicon Gate CPU 158 Instructions - includes all 78 of the 8080A instructions with total software compatibility. New instructions include 4-, 8- and 16-bit operations with more useful addressing modes such as indexed, bit and relative 17 internal registers Three modes of fast interrupt response plus a non-maskable interrupt Directly interfaces standard speed static or dynamic memories with virtually no external logic 1.0AmicroS instruction execution speed Single 5 VDC supply and single-phase 5 volt Clock Out-performs any other single chip microcomputer in 4-, 8- and 16-bit applications All pins TTL Compatib;e Built-in dynamic RAM refresh circuitry DIP-40 package