Blue Jumbo LED Flasher - Breadboard Kit This is the solder-free, breadboard-friendly version of the Jumbo LED Flasher solder kit. This kit is great for beginners to electronics and those who may not be ready to solder but are still interested in assembling an electronic circuit that actually does something when complete. You can also substitute the LEDs for different colors of your choice. The flashing rate is adjustable with the two trimmer potentiometers. This kit is available in other colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Red/Blue Emergency Combo. Note: Due to internal packaging methods, you may receive extra components. For complete instructions, check out the online step-by step guide here.Kit Includes:Part No.Qty.Description 10915419V battery snap with 6" wires 2548012Transistor, BC547B, NPN, TO-92 2540442Potentiometer, 500k 1/2W, single-turn, 3362P-series 298912Radial capacitor, 10AmicroF 25V 22091152Diffused blue jumbo 10mm LED, 470nm, 3.5Vf 69086521/4 watt resistor, 1k &@8486; 69110421/4 watt resistor, 10k &@8486; 21554521Mini 170 point breadboard, 1.9" x 1.3" 2213165102" pre-formed blue 22AWG solid jumper wires 15109519V battery